Keep Canara Healthy

Covid-19 Information

Canara is prepared in all respects to carry out the academic activities following the necessary guidelines and directions issued by the central/ state government, Ministry of Education or UGC from time to time to prevent the spread of COVID 19.

Classroom learning by maintaining physical distance.

All students and staff are required to maintain the physical distancing of at least 6 feet from others, during the class hours as well as within the campus.

Mandatory Face Shield/Mask

At Canara, it is mandatory to wear Face Masks/Face Shields for all students and staff inside the campus.

Educating students about healthy habits.

We believe we can fight COVID-19 with collective education about a few simple measures that can help students in boosting their immunity and reduce the risk of the spread of COVID-19.

Canara Vaccination Drive

The Covid Vaccination Drive for higher education students was initiated by the government on June 28, 2020. With regard to this College also organised Free Covid Vaccination Drives in the Campus for the students and staff.

Vaccination Drive –I was held on June 30, 2021, Drive –II was held on July 06, 2021, and Drive –III (COVAXIN -2nd Dose) was held on August 09, 2020. Students and staff were successfully vaccinated in the camp. All the three drives were successfully initiated and organised under the able guidance of the Principal and the Nodal officers.

Following Guidelines were given for the students and staff for vaccination:

  • Bring Adhar, College ID and Cell phone.
  • Wear Mask.
  • Maintain Social Distance.
  • Don’t come on an Empty Stomach, Drink Sufficient Water.
  • Follow the time schedule strictly.
  • Collect your token at the registration desk without fail.
  • After Vaccination stay at the Vaccination centre (observation room) for 30 minutes.
  • Fill the Annexure 3. (will be provided by the college).

Protect each other

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way we live. It has posed a unique set of challenges for all of us. The need to care for our health is of the utmost importance. The following preventive measures help us to protect each other from the adverse effects of the Covid 19.

Maintain physical distance

Social distancing, or physical distancing, is the practice of allowing enough space between individuals to reduce the spread of disease. This practise is followed in college without fail.

Wearing a mask

Wearing cloth face masks should be a priority especially when it's hard to maintain social distance, such as on the bus, when entering the campus etc. Have multiple cloth face masks. Use a clean mask to be safer.

Keeping hands clean

Practice hand-washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially before and after eating, coughing/sneezing, or adjusting a face mask. Also, avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth.

Cleaning and disinfecting

Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces such as doorknobs, faucets, keyboards, tablets and phones helps to reduce the risk of illness.

Staying home if sick

To limit the spread of COVID-19 as well as other germs, stay home from college and other activities if there is any sign of illness such as fever, nasal congestion or runny nose, cough, etc. Contact the doctor immediately.

Not skipping vaccinations

Whether classes are happening at college or at home, it is utmost important to take recommended vaccines on time. Getting a flu vaccine is especially important this season because the flu and COVID-19 cause similar common signs and symptoms.

Reopening of college

  • Opening of physical classes is done as per the decision of the state in accordance with SOP prepared by the UGC.
  • The institution plans opening the campus in phases, with activities where COVID appropriate behaviour can be easily followed.
  • Adequate arrangements are made for sanitising the entire campus including administrative and academic buildings, classrooms, labs etc.
  • Screening of students and staff, wearing of marks , sanitisation of hands is ensured at all entry points.
  • Offline classes will be conducted after ensuring proper sanitisation at all learning sites.
  • Final year students may also be allowed to join for academic and Placement purpose as per the decision of the head of the institution.
  • Students may visit their departments in small number after seeking prior appointments for faculty consultations.
  • Physical distancing norms is ensured in sitting places in classrooms, libraries etc.
  • Cultural, sports and extra-curricular activities may be allowed where physical distancing is feasible and is in accordance with the guidelines issued by the state or UGC.