International Yoga Day 2022

Mrs. Usha Nayak
Event Co-Ordinator

Event Details

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Canara College Seminar Hall
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Date: June 21, 2022        Time: 6.00 p.m – 7.00 p.m   Venue: Seminar Hall, Canara College, Mangaluru

Nature of the Activity: International Yoga Day organized by Canara Evening College, Mangaluru

Objectives of the Activity: 

  • To create awareness among the students about the benefits of yoga.
  • To improve the physical and mental balance

Description of the Activity: 

The International Yoga day was celebrated on 21st June 2022 at Canara Evening College, with the theme of “Yoga for Humanity”.  The Chief guest of the Programme was CA Jagannath Kamath, Correspondent Canara Evening College highlighted the importance of Yoga among the students by regular practice, it improves the Physical and mental health, enhancing the memory, reducing the stress etc. Principal of the College Prof. Anila spoke about the importance of International Yoga day.  Mrs Usha Nayak, co-ordinator and Yoga Instructor trained the students through different yoga postures. Prof. Anila, Principal, Canara Evening College, welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Usha Nayak, proposed the vote of Thanks. 15 students participated and benefited from this session.

Outcome of the Activity: 

  1. Students were encouraged practice yoga daily.
  2. Students were able to gain information on asana benefits.


Staff Incharge– Mrs.Usha Nayak